I visit Acadia many times because I just simple fall in love with this area.I stay always in Bar Harbor.This little town have great tourist atmosphere and you can walk easy around and it is easy to go inside Acadia National Park or plan trip to surrounding areas
Scenic view inside Acadia NP, Maine
Summer here is nice, but accept some rain and fog in summer time.It was great for family and outdoors lover or photographer as me.You can rent a bike and ride inside the park loop road or canoe for lake paddling or kayak for ocean adventure.Many greet places for dinner or lunch is everywhere around.Just pick one you like it.Of course, seafood and lobsters is best choice right here.You can find here any other food also,if you are steak lover or vegetarian you will be happy also.
Traditional Maine lobster plate
You can start your day early morning and finish really late with activity or just sitting in small park near ocean, relax and watch for boats or people walking around.Inside park is many trails for every tourist level or you can just drive with car, taxi or bus around park and enjoy all beautiful views.You can go to short trips for nature lighthouses or whale watching or if you like something special you can take small plane ride for aerial view.Inside park is carriage road you can take this scenic ride also and see park from carriage sit.
Fountain in little park.
You can visit other small town in area or famous Bass Harbor lighthouse easy to aces by car and very short walk.Just do not forget mosquito repellent and protect your self if you want set here and enjoy view or sunset.Do not miss beautiful wooden bridge in Somesville, but you can not pass him,it is really eye catching.If you stay longer is and want see something more from this part off Maine, plan ahead trip to Machias Seal Island and you can watch puffins and other birds on this little island.Or other good idea is Lubec and West Quoddy head light, Canadian Campabello Island or Baxter state Park where if you are lucky you can see moss or other wildlife.I was not so lucky my last visit. Maybe next time.Every little town here have some nice place and plenty potential for great vacation.
Cadilac Mountain sunset
Do not miss sunset or sunrise view from Cadillac Mountain, easy to drive with many scenic stops on the way up or down.When you stop walk also little around and look for beautiful views here,lakes down and ocean around on other side.You can find wild blueberry between granite stones or wild birds singing every day songs.After beautiful sunset just before you go to your hotel room just stop in Bar Harbor downtown for late dinner and walking around and watch this little theater around you with fantastic atmosphere and great lighting and small show behind every store glass windows.Atmosphere here is simple fantastic and people are happy and friendly.After all this you can go finally to your room and make yourself ready for next day and new adventure.
(c) 2014 Miro Vrlik